I had a great opportunity to see one of the most spectacular corners of the Canadian Rockies from the helicopter, from a totally new perspective. After had the opportunity to fly in the Himalaya and was so impressed, I decided to see the mountains in my back yard. Have to admit that our Rockies are as spectacular as anything I saw in the Himalaya. I enjoyed every minute of this experience!
Mt. Cline
Mt. Cline
White Goat Wilderness Area
White Goat Wilderness Area
Icefields Parkway and Mount Nigel
Mt Nigel and Mt. Sunwapta
Nigel Peak and Mt. Brazeau with he Brazeau Icefield
Icefields Parkway looking south
Saskatchewan Glacier
Saskatchewan Glacier
Mt. Columbia and the Icefiled
Mt. Columbia
Mt. Columbia
Mt. Columbia
Mt. Columbia
South Twin
South Twin
The summit cone of Mt. Alberta
Mt. Alberta
Mount Alberta north side
Mount Alberta
Mt. Wooly
Wooly’s Shoulder
Mt. Little Alberta
North Twin and Twins Tower
Mt. Columbia
Mt. Columbia
Mt. Columbia
Mt. Columbia
The Twins
The South Twin
Mt. Columbia
North Twin and Twins Tower
North Twin and Twins Tower
Twins Tower
From the left: Mt. Alberta. Twins Tower, North Twin, South Twin and the west face of Mt. Columbia
Mt. Alberta on the left and The Twins
South Twin
Twins Tower
The Glaciers of Mt. Columbia
Mount Columbia
Mt. Columbia
Mt. Columbia summit piramid
The Twins
Mount Alberta
North Twin
From the left: North Twin, Twins Tower, North Twin and Mt. Columbia
South Twin and Mt. Columbia
South Twin and Mt. Columbia
South Twin, North Twin
On the horizon is Mt. Clemenceau
Mt. Athabasca
Mount Saskatchewan
Mt. Castleguard. The pointy peak on the left is Mt. Forbes.