Consolation Valley from Taylor Lake Pass
Mount Fay
Consolation Lake
Consolation Lake and Mount Quadra
The Valley of Ten Peaks from Eiffel Tower
Paradise Valley and Mount Temple from Eiffel Tower
The Wakchemna Pass from Eiffel Tower
Eiffel Tower - looking back to Moraine Lake
Mount Hungabee and the Paradise Valley from Eiffel Peak
Mount Temple from Eiffel Tower
Mount Hungabee from Eiffel Tower
Mount Lefroy from Eiffel Peak
Moraine Lake
Lake Louise
Lake Louise
The east face of Mt. Temple
1996, one of my first outings to the fabulous alpine in the Lake Louise area. Mount Aberdeen and Aberdeen Glacier are in the background. Behind Mt. Aberdeen is Mt. Lefroy and Mt. Victoria. Andrzej, the man in the photo with me, is the Polish Himalayan climber from the golden days of Polish alpinism (1980s), full of fantastic stories of, at that time, lands yet to be discovered by me. At that time I could not have possibly imagined in my wildest dreems what would follow and how absolutely fortunate I would be to have the opportunity to do what I am doing. People like Andrzej, among many others have contributed to this wild journey!
The same spot - 25 years later!
Panorama from Mt. Fairview - a million dollar view for the effort
Mount Aberdeen, Lefroy and Victoria from Mt. Fairview
North Victoria Glacier from Mt. Fairview
The ridge of Mt. Victoria and the main summit
Mt. Victoria from Fairview in winter
Mt. Temple and the Paradise Valley from Mt. Fairview
LL ski hill, Skoki and Mt. Richardson from Mt. Fairview
Mt. Lefroy and Abbott Pass
Mt. Lefroy and the Abbot Pass from North Victoria Glacier
Victoria Glacier and Abbott Pass - notice the small Abbott Hut (the Alpine Club of Canada mountaineering hut) on the pass between Mt. Lefroy and Mt. Victoria.
Paradise Valley from Mt. Temple
The summit of Mt. Temple with Lefroy, Victoria, Aberdeen and the Wapta Icefield beyond.
Valley of Ten Peaks from the summit of Mt. Temple
The summit ridge of Mt. Temple
Mt. Temple summit ridge
The summit of Mt. Temple - the view south towards Quadra, Storm and Consolation Lakes
Looking west from Mount Temple - the Goodsirs dominate the horizon
The east glaciated face of Mt. Lefroy and the entire ridge of Mount Victoria with the main and north summits
Mount Victoria and North Victoria Glacier
The closeup of the North Victoria Glacier
Mt. Fay 3,234m
Looking down on the Panorama Ridge and the Consolation Lakes, Moraine Lake is on the right
The glaciated peak on the horizon is Mt. Ball. On the right is Mt. Stanley. Quadra is in the forefront.
Mt. Bident on the left and Quadra on the right
Looking north from Mt. Temple towards the Wapta Icefield. Mt Daly and Nigel Peak are on the horizon on the right. Mount Aberdeen is is the forefront.
The summit panorama from Mt. Temple
Mt. Temple wintery summit
Mt. Temple in the fall
The view from Mt. Temple in the fall
Mount Babel 3,101m
Mt. Bowlen. The mountains of the Rockwall trail are on the horizon
Eiffel Peak
Looking down from the slopes of Mt. Temple, the descent route. Minnestimma Lake is down below.
Looking at Mt. Fay from the slopes of Mt. Temple.
Mt. Temple
Tower of Babel
Consolation Lakes
Lake Louise and Mt. Victoria
Mt. Victoria and Mt. Huber from Lake O’Hara side. The Abott Pass is on the right.
Lake Ohara
Lake Oesa in the Lake Ohara area
On the way to the Abbot Hut
The Abbot Hut 2,926m
The Abbot Hut
Looking down the Death Trap from the Abbot Pass. We came this wain 1996 from Lake Louise on my first try to climb Mt. Lefroy. We had to abandon the climb due to rockfall.
Looking down the west approach gully to the Abbot Pass. You can see a group of climbers down below for scale.
Summit ridge of Mt. Victoria in the terrible smoke from the fires in BC that year.
On Mt. Victoria
Mt. Huber - the Huber ledges
On Mt. Huber ledges
Huber Ledges
On Mt. Huber, Lake Ohara below
Lake O’Hara below - ascending to the Victoria/Huber col
Huber/Victoria Glacier
On Huber/Victoria Glacier
Looking southwest from the Victoria/Huber col
Huber Victoria Col
The view to the Presidents and the Wapta Icefield from the Victoria/Huber col
Mt. Huber 3,348m at sunrise. The Goodsirs are on the horizon.
On Mt. Victoria - ascending the west face
Mt. Victoria summit Ridge
On Vitoria summit ridge
Victoria summit ridge - a walkway in the sky!
he summit of Mt. Victoria
The summit of Mt. Victoria 3,464m
Looking west from Victoria
Mt. Huber from Victoria
The ridge connecting Mt. Victoria main summit and the north summit
The North Victoria glacier and the summit of North Victoria
The Presidents and the Iceline Trail from Victoria
North Victoria Glacier
North Victoria Glacier and Lake Louise from Mt. Victoria 3,464m
Summit of Mt. Victoria
Mt. Temple on the left, Mt. Lefroy in the center and the summit ridge of Mt. Victoria
The ridge of Mt. Victoria
Mt. Huber
The ridge of Mt. Victoria
Mt. Victoria - the Sickle
One of the few steep sections along the ridge of Mt. Victoria summit ridge
In the Sickle
South side of Mt. Huber dropping all the way down the the approach gully to the Abbott Pass
Lake Louise and the Chateau are 10km away long way down
ooking back at Mt. Huber (left) and the summit ridge of Victoria that we just walked from
Steep east face of Victoria
Lake Oesa
Descending to Lake Oesa from the Abbot Pass
Walking up the Death Trap from LL to the Abbott Pass
Valley of Ten Peaks - Moraine Lake to Lake Ohara traverse
Wenkchemna Pass - we traversed from Moraine Lake to Lake O’Hara through the Wenkchemna and Opabin passes
Moraine Lake to Lake Ohara traverse
Wenkchemna Peak and Pass
Ascending the Opabin Pass
Opabin Pass from Mt. Yukness
Opabin Pass
Looking back at the Opabin Pass. The Pass is quite easy with a small glacier. Crampons are required though…
Lake Ohara
Lake Ohara
ACC hut at Lake Ohara. Mt. Lefroy in the centre
Near Lake Ohara. Mt Victoria on the left and Mt. Huber on the right.
Lake Ohara
ACC hut Lake Ohara
Near Lake Ohara
Lake O’Hara
Moraine Lake
Moraine Lake and Valley of 10 Peaks
Valley of Ten Peaks from near the Sentinel Pass
Sentinel Pass
Sentinel Pass
Valley of 10 Peaks from Sentinel Pass
Paradise Valley between Lefroy and Mt. Temple.
Mt. Temple in the fall
Mt. Temple
Summit of Mt. Temple 3,544m
The summit of Mt. Temple
View from Mt. Temple
High on Mt. Temple
View to the valley of 10 peaks from Mt. Temple - Deltaform Mountain
The summit of Mt. Temple
The Valley of 10 Peaks from Mt. Temple
Mount Lefroy and Lake Oesa. We climbed Lefroy in a single push from Lake O’Hara
A closeup of Mt.Lefroy upper section
Abott Pass (with the Abott Hut removed)
On the way to Abbot Pass
On the way to The Abbot Pass
Mt. Victoria and the Abbot Hut
Mt. Vaux in the distance (centre)
The Abbot Hut and the Abbot Pass from Mt. Lefroy
On Mt. Lefroy, view of the Goodsirs
On Mt. Lefroy. Mt. Hector in the distance.
The face of Mt. Lefroy - we climbed it on June 21 (the longest day of the year). We started at 5pm and returned to the hut just before midnight. It was light up to around 11.30pm!
The evening light on Mt. Victoria from Mt. Lefroy
On the snowy ridge of Lefroy
Mt. Victoria
Summit Ridge of Mt. Lefroy with large cornices
Paradise Valley in the evening light from Mt. Lefroy
The cornices on the summit ridge of Lefroy
Summit ridge of Mt. Lefroy at sunset
Summit ridge of Mt. Lefroy on the longest day of the year. 10pm on June 21.
Mt. Lefroy near the summit ridge
Lake Ohara from Mt. Lefroy in the evening light
Near the summit of Mt. Lefroy
North Victoria summit and the North Victoria Glacier with he Wapta Icefield glowing in the late evening light on the longest day of the year!
The sunset behind Mount Victoria from Mt. Lefroy
The entire ridge of Mt. Victoria
Lake O’Hara is a long way down!
The steep face of Lefroy. The small Abbot Hut is far way down.
Beautiful sunset from Lefroy
Inside the Abbot Pass Hut - I just love this place!
Lake Ohara from Mt. Lefroy. This was on another outing. We were engulfed in thick clouds.
On Mt. Lefroy with Lake O’Hara below
The approach gully to the Abbot Pass in cloudy weather.
Storm Mountain from Mt. Whymper
Mt. Whymper from Storm approach
The approach to the summit of Storm is on the left
The view of Goodsirs from Storm Mountain on the left. Mt. Whymper is on the right.
The summit of Storm Mountain 3,100m
Moraine Lake and Lake Louise area summits from Storm Mountain
Looking south from Storm Mountain, Mount Assiniboine is on the horizon to the left.
Mt. Ball from Storm Mountain
Mt. Ball and Mt. Stanley from Storm Mountain
The view to the west from Storm Mountain
The summit of Storm Mountain. The large bulk of Mt. Temple dominates the horizon.
Mt. Assiniboine and the Egypt Lakes area from the summit of Storm
The Egypt Lakes area in Banff NP from Storm. The Whistling Pass from Storm. Haiduk Lake is visible below.
Mt. Assiniboine on the horizon. Healy Pass is visible below (center)
Pilot Mountain and Mt. Bourgeau are in the center of the photo on the horizon.
The Upper Twin Lake is below the east face of Storm
The East face of Storm
Highway 93 from Storm. Arnica Lake is visible below.
Looking towards the Goodsirs, the Lake Louise group of summits, and Mt. Whymper from the summit of Storm Mountain
The Rockwall and the Wolverine Pass from Mt. Storm. Highway 93 is below.
Mt. Saint Piran with Lake Louise below.
View from Mt. Saint Piran with Mt. White on the left.
Lake Louise from Mt. Sanit Piran with Lake Louise and Lake Agnes below. Mount Temple towers in the center of the photo.
The summit of Mt. Saint Piran. Mt. Hector is visible in the distance.
Panorama Ridge
Consolation Lakes from Panorama Ridge. From left to right: Mt. Quadra, Fay and Babel.
Mt. Quadra from Panorama Ridge
Mt. Bident and Mt. Quadra.
Mt. Whymper is on the left. The mountains along the Rockwall trail are on the horizon.
Mt. Fay (left) and Babel (right)
The summit panorama from the Panorama Ridge
Mt. Babel and the Consolation Lakes
Looking north to Mt. Hector from the Panorama Ridge. Mt. Richardson in the Skoki area of Banff NP is on the right. LL ski area is below Mt. Richardson.
Mt. Temple
Mt. Victoria - North Glacier
On Mt. Victoria
Mt. Lefroy from Mt. Victoria
Lake Louise from Mt. Victoria North
The summit of Mt. Victoria North towers above the col
Panoramic view of Mt. Victoria
Mount Victoria’s spectacular east face
The spectacular Abbot Pass and the tiny Abbot Hut between Mount Lefroy and Mount Victoria
Mt Temple and Mt Lefroy from Mt. Victoria North
Mt. Aberdeen and Mt. Temple from Mt. Victoria North Glacier
Mt. Wastach